Tuesday, September 28, 2004

*yawn* now at MUISS doing my Managing Info Systems assignment on Monash University... Think i really have a fetish about Monash because my assignment will be on Monash if I have the choice... haha mmm anyway now i am designing an online suggestion system website for Monash and every assignment i did for Monash, I can feel that Project SIS is very much closer to realisation...

Project SIS, the ultimate brainchild of mine... mmm always wanted to complete it in order to "make" Monash the best university in Australia... but well as i research more into Monash, the more depressed i had became and the problems that Monash is facing is sure... errr "stupid" to put it bluntly... Well i guess at this point of time, i just need to focus on my studies once more as time again is running out on me for exams.... *SIGH*

These few days had been living hell for me... dont know why... keke but i am sure happy that i can communiate well and be myself when toking to her... haha sure had fun with her yesterday night... *dont get the wrong idea arh* but i am glad that i am not just a nobody to her anymore... now i really regretted for not giving her the card that i bought for her and definitely the friendship pen that i had made for her halfway and suddenly decided to strip it all apart... haha guess it is one of those times that you showed a slight regret that the things you had done before...

mmm now the problem is with someone else... mmm how to face her properly once more... and be myself when talking to her *sigh* Think it is getting painful for me... esp like everyone kept asking me, are they together yet or are they not? "You should know coz you are his close friend... blah blah blah" mmm seems like putting salt on my wounds and oil into the raging fire...

Dont know what will hold for me this week... well just now struggling to finish couple of my assignments first before i am ready to tackle revision for the exams... dammed sure got a lot of online lectures to catch on... mmm hope that this week i can go onto "HYPER MODE" soon or i am screwed again..

These few days continuously been going to gym torturing my whole body... mmm well guess Paul is right, going to gym will help to relive stress and pressure as well... haha and make your body look nicer as well~! Speaking of Paul, he sprained his back during gym... well bro, take care man... keep it warm and dont overexert yourself anymore~! haha also remember the Sinfield ep. "The Contest"? haha dont satisfy yourself too haha, bad for your back! *evil grin*

Time to get back to work... going to be a long night again...

PS: Happy Mid-Autumn(I mean spring in Melbourne) Festival~

"The cowherd boy and the moon princess are fated to be together for eternity but they are also meant to be separated for eternity... They are only brought together once every mid-Autumn Festival where a bridge of light brings them to each others' embrace... only to be once again separated from each others' love"


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