Friday, September 24, 2004

mmm just came back from tennis with some of the MUISS guys and gym as well... today went to DIMA with Maggie because she needed some company with her to get her working visa. Had a good talk with her and i felt that maybe i know her better.... Dont worry Maggie, I still like you...! keke heard some disturbing news again as usual... mmm why the heck i keep listening to disturbing news again and again... mmmmm

*the theory of classical conditioning = it is about this guy called Palvo who actually made dogs 'drool' when they heard the sound of a bell ringing; like dogs, people can be conditioning to behave in a certain way due to some form of stimulus*

mmm i sure hope that this theory works on me man... coz all this disturbing news are disturbing me and i hope that they will make me stronger so that i can rebound faster~!

Being able to talk to her again had made me relived and i hope that she is relived as well... being on a more friendly side with her without any strings of deception and thoughts of sadness had really made me feel good... am i back to myself again? mmm one can wonder more and more... but well exams are coming soon... and i already feeling the stress now more than ever... esp i just failed an assignment.... in management... damn... really do not deserved the title of "Management Guru" anymore...

PS: better saved this before my comp crash again~


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