Thursday, May 05, 2005

Been a long time since i wrote a decent blog... now still in Caulfield T-Block 24 hours labs trying to do my Issues in Competitive Advantage assignment... which is due in two weeks time... but my stoopid friend coming in that week... so need to bring him around haha so need to do earlier...

These few days been having some thoughts about last year... think people changed a lot... I think i may change too... for example i think a gal that I once fell in love with had changed such a great deal that I really forgot why i felt so attached to her in the first place... maybe i changed? I dont know... and i really dont think i changed that much... i always try to be there for her... even though the period of heart ache that i been through, dont really think that she appreciate it in anyway... mmm well thats history i guess...

Anyway this semester been a good one for me so far... despite some serious screw ups but so far my assignments are still quite consistently good i guess... now it is just preparing for exams... dammed i hate exams especially when you are feeling that you dont have sufficient time for revision... last sem now i already started my revision... but now i am still struggling with my assignments hahaha....

Mmmm the whole Monash Uni is undergoing so much change that it has became so dynamic and uncertain... mmmm from today Review Panel that i attended, i got this dammed bad impression that the top management is still living in their fantasy land saying that Monash is still doing fine etc etc... dammed... wake up please and smell the odour of students are giving out in disgust with regards to the university... students reps are giving bad feedback... and imagine what kind of feedback that the general students will give... esp those who are isolated due to Monash in the first place... dammed...

just a recurring thought and disgusted views from a disappointed international student...
Mmm i am on cloud nine.... finally some emotional stability in my life... keke... well like everyone who knows me very well will say... "Yippee, Danny this time never give any flowers~!"

Everyone meet Uncle Beng's gf (Elly) hahah and dont ever call her Auntie Lian!